我父亲吴宓一生,似与《红楼梦》一书 (父亲始终认为此书开宗明义,应正名曰《石头记》,《红楼梦》乃其俗称。笔者从俗。)有不解之缘。1907年寒假吴宓在故乡家中守祖母之丧,嗣父仲旗公由新疆辞职归来守丧,所带回之行李中,有《增评补图石头记》一部,吴宓见之大喜,赶即阅读。并于夜间,伏衾中枕上,燃小煤油灯续读,故得于次年正月开学前读毕全书,并能依序背诵一百二十回的回目,及书中的许多诗词、对联。以后他又时时重读,内容极熟,体会愈深,于是《红楼梦》一书后来大大影响了他的思想、感情及生活。
民国时期,父亲任教高校,得与许多中外学者畅论《红楼梦》;所编报刊,注重刊登各方研究《红楼梦》的进展与心得;教课与演讲中,亦常借取《红楼梦》书中之人物事实为例证以阐明一己之人生哲学。1939年元旦,更以英文作成a praise of the drea of the red chaber,据其研究西洋文学、哲学、艺术之所得,及个人之体会,对《红楼梦》一书作出全面的评论。其后译成中文,题名《石头记评赞》,登载1942年《旅行杂志》第十六卷第十一期。吴宓在昆明西南联合大学,还组织过一个专门研讨《石头记》的文学团体————石社,定期聚会讨论《石头记》。社员入社,须先交一篇阅读《石头记》的心得;如肯用自传体裁,把自己比作《石头记》中某一个人物,引伸譬解,夹叙夹议,写一篇短文,更受欢迎。石社在西南联大曾红火一时,师生社员们所作论文,由吴宓编为厚厚的《红楼梦研究集》上下两大册,摆放联大图书馆,供众阅览。吴宓在联大所作多次《红楼梦讲谈》的讲稿,亦均收入该集。十分可惜的是,1946年5月,西南联大结束,北大、清华、南开三校分别复员,迁移平津;此二册《红楼梦研究集》不知流散何方,迄今下落不明。
根据《吴宓自编年谱》,家人从中美有关档案中寻见:吴宓1921年2月下旬以英文所撰the drea of the red chaber一文,简单译述《红楼梦》全书的大旨及故事纲要;在美国报纸档案中,觅得1921年2月27日的《波士顿星期日邮报》boston sunday post,该报于当日第40版刊载吴宓英译《红楼梦》的爱情故事,被称为“中国文学的罗密欧与朱丽叶”……这就使他曾于《自编年谱》中提到的在美评论、译介《红楼梦》的两次活动,(一是1919年3月2日,应波城中国学生会之请,在哈佛演讲《红楼梦新谈》;二是中国留学生于1921年2月28日举行为华北水灾募捐晚会,义演哑剧《红楼梦》故事片段,吴宓为此所作的对外宣传。)尤其第二次所作关于《红楼梦》的英文译介内容补充齐全,缘由过程清晰可见。
据《吴宓自编年谱》,“1921二月二十八日,波城之中国留学生,举行晚会(备有茶点及音乐),专为招待波城之富豪、巨商,及将前往中国商议财政之要员。具体目的,在为中国民国九年之华北水灾募捐、筹赈,欲得其助力也”。中国女留学生所筹备的晚会节目,有《红楼梦》哑剧(pantoi),用中国人的服装、动作,表演《红楼梦》的故事纲要。(剧中男子如贾政、宝玉等,亦全由女生扮演。)此晚会的英文节目单及哑剧的英文说明书,特派吴宓撰成、付印。中国学生会犹恐不足,更于晚会前数日,派吴宓去《波士顿星期日邮报》(boston sunday post)社洽谈,助吾人宣传。吴宓持介绍函及其自有的《增评补图石头记》一部,至报社,与社员(报社编辑人员)某谈商。某聆吴宓口述而笔录。最后某要求吴宓选《石头记》书中“最热烈的爱情场面”(a love-scene),逐字逐句直译出原文,而彼写录。吴宓只得以晴雯临终,宝玉往访一段应之。以上均于1921年2月27日的《波士顿星期日邮报》第40版中刊出。
兹将吴宓1921年2月下旬所撰the drea of the red chaber,以及1921年2月27日《波士顿星期日邮报》所刊吴宓对《红楼梦》故事的译述刊布如下,以飨读者。为方便读者阅读,特将全文译为中文,并将原文附于译文之后。
中国学生在1921年2月28日为募捐筹赈中国饥荒表演的节目之一, 哑剧“破碎的爱”,是根据《红楼梦》改编成戏的。从受欢迎的程度和艺术的观点来看,《红楼梦》都是中国所有小说中最伟大的一部。剑桥大学翟理斯[2]教授在他的《中国文学史》中曾就此书做过简短的介绍:《红楼梦》涵括有名字的男性人物235位,女性人物213位(没有名字的人物尚未计算在内);此书的篇幅比理查逊的《克拉丽莎》[3]还长很多。《红楼梦》由乔利[4]于1892年翻译成英文, 但他只翻译了120回中的52回[5],从未译完整部书。
《红楼梦》写于18世纪晚期,它完整与真实地描绘出当时生活与社会图景。但它的情景着重落在一座贵族府邸上,以市井生活和乡村生活作陪衬。 它的主要情节是围绕贵族的儿子与孤儿表妹间的爱情故事。书中年轻的男主人翁是一位诗才平平的诗人,他是(像哈姆雷特)“时流的明镜,人伦的雅范,举世瞩目的中心”;他的信念如同济慈[6]所言“美即是真,真即是美”;在他奢华舒适的家里,所有一切都使他感到无法排遣的倦怠;他不喜欢学习及一切俗务;他能说出各种富有新意的警句名言,如(1) “男人是泥做的骨肉,女人是水做的骨肉”————这句令人想起柏拉图的话;(2)“女人纯洁,美丽,有吸引力;而男人肮脏,沉重和无聊”;(3)“当我遭受先生痛打时, 我姐姐妹妹地乱喊着,立刻就不感觉疼了。”女主人翁,他的孤儿表妹是位有造诣的诗人和音乐家,她迷人、美丽、聪慧,但脆弱而忧郁。虽然两位年轻人彼此深爱, 但由于家长的意愿,反复无常的机缘,形形色色的家族谋算及其施加的影响, 他不能娶她。当他病重在床,并暂时精神错乱时,他被动地履行了婚姻仪式;直到婚礼完成,他才发现新娘不是他的表妹, 而是另一位女士。 就在婚礼举行的同时, 不幸的女主人翁撒手人寰。不久之后, 年轻的男主人翁弃世而去, 抛弃了他的家,抛弃了他的妻子,出家当了和尚,从此不知所踪。
但《红楼梦》主要还是一个爱情故事,如同所有中国的爱情故事,其传达的爱情理念就是忠贞————“见异思迁,并非真爱”。中国式的爱情理想,体现在小说和戏剧中,即是爱之坚贞不渝及忠贞不贰。在权力,财富或死亡使爱侣无法真正结合时,恋人会欣然信守终身不嫁不娶,死生契阔的誓言。任何折磨和死亡的威胁,地位和财富的诱惑,对孤独的恐惧,甚至来自另一位绝色美人的吸引,都无以破坏和改变一个人的真爱。贞操不是强制性的美德,而是爱的真实象征、体现和证明。徒有皮囊而无精神的契合,不足以生爱。 肉体的吸引和邂逅只是色欲。爱庄严神圣,爱弥足珍贵。 爱情故事并不是老生常谈的儿女之情,而是有选择性、理想化、有价值的浪漫感情,这样的理念再次在《红楼梦》中得到体现和阐释。
图为《波士顿星期日邮报》编辑为吴宓英译《红楼梦》故事之一折剧 《丫鬟的最后的时日》所作的编者按语
贾宝玉:一位贵族少爷, 17岁,与丫鬟晴雯相爱
吴晴雯:宝玉家的丫鬟, 刚因受诬勾引少爷而被撵出宝玉家
吴太太:晴雯的嫂子, 一个犹如现代荡妇的女人, 她根本就不在乎小姑子,企图勾引宝玉
场景 ————吴氏院内的一间屋子
(宝玉看到晴雯躺在芦席上睡着了, 但当他含泪俯身看她时, 她醒了)
晴雯(用一只手肘强撑着起来)———— 我只当再也见不到你了。阿弥陀佛,你来得正好。且替我倒些茶,拿来给我。 渴了这半日,叫了半天半个人也叫不着。
晴雯(以手指示意)———— 那炉台上就是。
(宝玉用自己的丝帕擦拭腌臜的茶杯, 倒了茶, 递给晴雯。 她一气儿都灌下去了)
宝玉(温柔地)———— 你有什么说的,趁没人告诉我。
晴雯(抽泣)————有什么可说的! 我只是在等死, 不过是挨一刻是一刻,挨一日是一日。我知道我横竖熬不过天光景,然后就得走了。 只有一事,我死也不甘心。我虽生的比别的丫鬟略好些,但并没有私情密意勾引你,如何一口死咬定我做错了,说我是“狐狸精”?早知如此,当日我还不如随了你。我与其担了坏人的虚名,不如真的做个坏人!我的心碎了。
(晴雯抬起手,一口咬下两根她引以为矜的玉葱指甲。她把指甲交给宝玉留作纪念。然后她在被窝内,连揪带脱,褪下最贴身的红绫小袄,递给宝玉。 宝玉躲在屏风后,解开衣扣, 脱下自己的袄儿,穿上晴雯给他的红绫小袄。怕被人发现,他匆匆忙忙地扣上外衣的扣子, 回到晴雯的床边, 把自己的袄儿放在她身上。他这样做的时候, 晴雯睁开眼,抬头看他)
晴雯(虚弱地)———— 来, 扶我坐起来。
晴雯(躺回枕头上)————你快走吧!这里太脏了, 你哪里受得了。 你的身子要紧。你今日这一来,我就死了也不枉担了虚名!
吴太太(笑嘻嘻进来)———— 雯,你两个的话,我都听见了!
吴太太(冲着宝玉)———— 你一个做主子的,跑到下人房来做什么?敢是来调戏我的吗?
宝玉(非常激动)———— 好姐姐,快别这么大声的。晴雯忠心耿耿地服侍我一场,我想再瞧瞧她。
吴太太(轻蔑地笑道)———— 怨不得人家都说你是个多情人儿!
吴太太(大笑)———— 我们总听说你对朋友有情有义儿的。
宝玉(央求)———— 好姐姐, 放开我。被人发现了,对你没好处。
吴太太(抓着宝玉不放)————我早溜进来了,故意打发走了老妈子,好只剩下我们俩。我等什么似的,今儿可等着了你。你若不依了我,我就让下人们都知道,你来看过晴雯,都做了些什么勾当。 但你不像人们所说的那样,是个轻薄人儿。我在窗下细听你和晴雯的对话,我只道你有些个体己话要对她说,但没想到你们竟各不相扰。
(宝玉拼命试图挣脱, 最终当听到晴雯朋友进屋才得以脱身)
几天后, 宝玉随父亲探亲时,晴雯因心碎而死去。死讯被报给宝玉的母亲,王夫人没有按惯例发给埋葬丫鬟的钱,而是下令烧掉晴雯的尸首, 并将骨灰撒了。她仍然坚信,这个丫鬟曾勾引过宝玉,所以死后也应得到惩罚。
宝玉得知晴雯已经死了,万分悲痛,他在晴雯送他的丝帕上题了一首美丽的诗。宝玉将这块丝帕烧了,他相信,悼文会乘着风的翅膀飞向天堂, 抵达爱人的魂灵。
the drea of the red chaber
one ite the progra furnished by the chese students the entertant to be given on feb28th, 1921 for the benefit of the cha fae relief, “the shattered love: a pantoi”, is adapted and draatized fro the “the drea of the red chaber” which is the greatest of all chese novels, both fro the popur and the artistic pot of viewprofesr hagiles of cabrid gave a brief suary of this work his “short history of chese literature”this novel ntas 235 ale characters and 213 feale characters with nas (the characters without nas not beg unted here); it is even uch lonr than richardn’s “crissa harlowe”it has been transted to english by hbencraft joly 1892; but he transted only 52 out of the 120 chapters the book, and never fished the work
written the te 18th century, this novel presents a plete and realistic picture of the life and ciety of the tibut its scenes are chiefly id a noblean’s hoe, with side-lights to the life of the street and the untryits a plot is a love-story beeen the noblean’s n and his orphan the young hero is a dilettantish poet, who was ( like halet ) “the gss of fashion and the old of for, the observed of all observers”; who had faith only the sayg of keats“ beauty is truth, truth beauty”; who felt all the irrelievable ennui his rich and fortable ho; who disliked study and all practical affairs; and who uttered all rts of origal epigras such as (1) sugstive of pto, “an is ade of ud; woan is ade of water”; (2)“woan is pure, beautiful, and attractive; while an is dirty, heavy and bore”; (3) “when i suffered beatg fro y tutor, i cried girls and at once i felt no pa”the heroe, the orphan girl, is a highly acplished poetess and ician, who is fascatg, beautiful, ick-witted, but fragile and ncholythough these young people loved each other heart and ul, the wish of parents, the caprice of chance, and all rts of faily trigues and fences detered that he was not to wed herwhile he was very sick body and teporarily derand d, he was ade to go through the perforance of atrionial rites; and it was only when the weddg was an acplished act, that he uld disver that the bride was not his but another dy the very hour which the weddg took pce, the unfortunate heroe had diedafter a while, the young an forok the world, his faily, and his wife, and went to be a buddhist onk wanderg forever where he was not to be found
besides the a plot, there are any or love-stories, shog the varied anifestations of love n and won of all rts of teperants and nditions—— for exaple, the sprightly but chaste chaberaid, who at the ont of death was holdg the hand of her lover and aster and cried: “it is better to be vile than vile esteed”! nnected with the progress of the hero and heroe’s love story at every step, is the rise and fall of the fortune of the hoe; and there the book is not only authentic historical docunt, but the irror of a state, a ciety, or an a, its brilliant decadence
but “the drea of the red chaber” is priarily a love- story; and like all chese love-stories, its gospel of love is nstancy-“love is not love which alters when it alteration fds”the chese ideal of love, as reflected draa and fiction, is the endurance of one’s love through ti and its ncentration on one pernwhere power, fortune or death has ade an actual arria beeen the ipossible, the lovers would with all gdness observe the vows of lifelong celibacy and eternal union the spiritno threats of torture and death, no alres of rank and wealth, no fear of litaress, not even the attraction of another surpassg beauty, should break and chan one’s true lovechastity is not an enforced virtue, but a nue sybol and proof and expression of lovebeauty without harony of d and spirit uld not call forth lovephysical attraction and chance acatance is only stlove is sacred; love is rareand a love-story is not a onpce narration of a jack and his jill, but a selective and idealized worthy roancesuch a nception is once ore ebodied and ilstrated “the drea of the red chaber”
boston sunday post
feb27, 1921 pa 40
the devotion of lovers cha
chese students at the lles here are gog to show how nstant it is
they are gog to present a celestial love story, the “roo and juliet” of chese literature, toorrow eveng, for the benefit of the cha fae relief fund
the py is draatized fro the novel, “the drea of the red chaber”, by hsieh-ch tsao, the thackeray of cha
and here, transted to english for the first ti, by a chese student at harvard university, is the ost powerful epide of this greatest of all chese love stories
the transtion was rendered by rwu
“the days of the chaberaid”
(fro the drea of the red chaber, by hsieh-ch tsao)
the characters:
pao-yu ka - n of a noblean, a 17, love with his chaberaid, ch-wen wu
ch-wen wu - chaberaid at the ho of pao-yu ka, who has jt been disissed on the false char that she ade affection advances to the young lord
rswu - wife of ch-wen wu’s elder brother, a woan likened to the odern “vap”, who cares little for her sister--w, and attepts to lead pao-yu ka to teptation
ti - an eveng septeber jt after sunset
pce - terior of the ho of rswu pekg
scene - a roo the hoe
(pao-yu fds ch-wen lyg on a bed of loose straw, asleep, but she awakes as he bends over her with tears his eyes)
ch-wen (raisg herself on one elbow) - i thought i should never see you agathanks to god, you e jt at the right ontplease pour out tea and give it to i a very thirstyi have been callg out for one to help for a long ti, but no one has answered
pao-yu (lookg around) - where is the teapot?
ch - wen (potg) - on the fire
(pao-yu wipes the dirty teacup with his silk handkerchief, pours the tea and gives it to ch-wenshe drks it at one draught)
pao - yu (tenderly) - now we are aloell what you wish to say
ch - wen (bbg) - i have nothg to tell youi a rely waitg for death, ont by ont and days by daysi know i cannot endure such sufferg ore than three or four days lonrthen i will fd paradiseonly one thg disturbs y d and prevents y dyg peacealthough i a ore beautiful than the other aids your hoehold, i have never ade love to you, nor duced you to show y affectionwhy should they char as they have and disiss ? how uld they be sure that i have done wrong and say that i a like a fox? had i known that such aations would have been ade agast , i would not have resisted youit is better to be vile than vile esteedy heart breaks
(ch-wen puts her hand up to her outh and bites off o of the long frnails that distguish her as a girl of culture and refentshe gives the frnails to pao-yu to keep as ntos of herthen, with wrigglg otions under the bed vergs, she slips off the red silk shirt that has been closest to her heart of all her garnts, and this al she gives to pao-yuretirg behd a screen pao-yu unbuttons his own clothg, takes off his own shirt and puts on that which ch-wen has given hifearg that he will be disvered, he buttons only his outer garnts hurriedly, and advancg to ch-wen’s rough bed, pces his shirt over the sick girlwhile he is dog this, ch-wen opens her eyes and looks up at hi)
ch-wen (weakly) -e, help to sit up
(pao-yu does , and ch-wen a half sittg position, grasps the shirt the young noblean pced on her bed and puts it onpao-yu puts the frnails his pocket)
ch - wen (lyg back on her pillow) - now, you goit is dirty here, you cannot endure ityour health is iportanti a gd you have e todaynow i can die happy, though i have been falsely aed of wrongdog with you
rswu (enterg, silg) - wen, i have overheard all that has passed beeen you o
rswu (to pao-yu) - you are our asterwhy have you e to the ho of a aid? is it becae you want to py with ?
pao - yu (greatly agitated) - good sister, don’t speak loudch-wen has been servg faithfully for any years that i wanted to see her once ore
rswu (ughg srnfully) - it is not stran that all people say that you are full of love and sentint
(she grasps pao-yu by the hand and draws the boy to her own roo)
rswu - there is one way that you can prevent fro tellg what has passed beeen yourself and ch-wen todaygrant wish and i shall be silent
(she phes pao-yu down upon his knees)
pao - yu (frightened and ashad) - please don’t, good sister
rswu (ughg) - we have always heard that you are devoted to your friends
pao - yu (entreatg) - good sister, let goif we are disvered it will do you no good
rswu (still holdg the boy) - i slipped to the hoe ti ago and purposely sent away the old woan who works for that i ight have you all to yselffor a long while i have been tryg to catch you and today i have sueededif you don’t grant y wish i will let your people know all about your visit and actions with ch-wenyou are not forward with young girls as people sayi was listeng at the dow and heard your nversation with ch-weni had thought you would have any thgs to say to your love, but you kept your distance
(pao-yu tries desperately to free hiself and fally sueeds when a friend of ch-wen is heard g to the hoe)
a few days ter while pao - yu is visitg retives with his father, ch-wen dies of a broken heartthe fact is reported to pao-yu’s other, and stead of grantg any oney for the burial of the aid as was the cto, the dy orders that the body of ch-wen shall be burned and the ashes scattered to the ds, for she is still nvced that the chaberaid had attepted to the love of pao-yu, and deserved such punishnt even after death
when he fds out that ch-wen is dead, pao-yu is uch grieved, and writes a beautiful poe to the aid on a silk handkerchief which she had given hithis he burns, believg that the ntents of the tribute will be carried to paradise on the gs of the d, and reach the spirit of his sweetheart
the chese ideal of love, as reflected this roantic and draatic epide, is the endurance of one’s love through ti, and its ncentration on one pern
where power, fortune or death has ade an actual arria beeen the o prcipals ipossible, they gdly observe the ws of celibacy and eternal union the spiritnot even the attraction of another surpassg beauty, a “vap” as she would be called arica, uld break or chan pao-yu’s devotion for ch-wen
[1] 本文作于1921年2月下旬,简述《红楼梦》全书之大旨及故事纲要。
[2] 翟理斯herbert allen giles (1845——1935),英国汉学家,为威妥玛——翟理斯汉语罗马字拼音系统创制人之一。曾就学查特豪斯公学,1867——1892年在英国驻中国领事馆工作,返英后于1897年继威妥玛任剑桥大学汉语教授。译著有《汉语无师自通》、《聊斋志异》、《中国文学史》、《中国的文明》等。
[3] 英国小说家塞缪尔·理查逊 sauel richardn (1689——1761)的著名小说《克拉丽莎》,又名《一位青年妇女的故事》。该书长达七卷100万字,写少女克拉丽莎为逃避家长包办婚姻,落入贵族阔少洛夫莱斯之手,遭强奸,最后饮恨而死。
[4] 乔利 h · bencraft joly (1857——1898) ,英国领事官。1880年来华,在英驻华使馆学习汉语。后来在各埠任领事职。1892年将《红楼梦》的一部分译成英文。
[5] 乔利所译《红楼梦》,实际至1894年已译有56回,后以患疾,未再续译。
[6] 约翰·济慈john keats(1795——1821),英国浪漫主义诗人。
[7] 威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷willia akepeace thackeray(1811——1863),英国著名小说家,擅写英国资产阶级的风俗人情,尤其揭示上流社会的阴暗面。
[8] 以上为《波士顿星期日邮报》编者为该文所作的按语。
[9] 1921年2月28日,美国波士顿地区各院校的中国留学生为赈济华北水灾举行募捐晚会,本文乃吴宓晚会上演出的哑剧————《红楼梦》故事的一折《丫鬟的最后的时日》所作英语译述的剧情介绍。